Monday, January 13, 2014


We all come from nowhere and are now here.  Life is just an exercise in "spacing".  We will all soon be nowhere again.  I am not denying the posibility of life beyond life.  Nor am I questioning any particular diety.  Yet, I am saying no diety, nor god has more relavance than any other.  (Please check your' beliefs and all righteous anger.  Not needed here, nor useful anywhere.)

What fires you up?  What can't you ignore?  What pulls so hard upon you, that you would be willing to spend prison time for its sacredness?

There must be something.  C'mon, you can tell me.  I won't tell a soul.  Bull shit I'll scream it, if the opportunity presents itself.

You pretend to be human, and this is part of your masquarade.

When did you realize that you could not follow through?

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